Thursday, June 27, 2013

Supporting Diverse Learners in Content Classrooms

Chapter 11

This was an interesting chapter that is something I sometimes get nervous about.  Sometimes I think I will be fine but what if I can’t figure out how to help diverse learners.  There is such a wide range and variety of students that can be in one classroom, how can I make sure that I can teach all them effectively and leave no one behind.  Special needs is always a topic and usually there are resources to help.  Even ESL students there are resources and help.  I honestly think that I can well with teaching these students and hopefully will have some help.  What I think will be the hardest are things outside of school.  As teachers I think we forget a lot that students have lives outside of school and these things affect them.  It can be challenging to focus of school work when life itself is a struggle.  This is where I feel like it will be hard as a teacher to help my students.  It is not that they can’t learn but that they are preoccupied mentally.  This is where hopefully showing the students that I am there for them and build that support system with them will help them be successful.  I just feel like sometimes this can be out of your hands.  The book also mentions caring for all students and earning trust but I think these should be obvious.  Students must respect you and they need those characteristics to be respected.  The book also talks about students with low self-esteem.  The problem I have with this section is that, shouldn’t teachers be building all of their student’s self-esteem, whether they have high or low?  It will help them be successful in class and life, so why wouldn’t you?  Out of everything in being a teacher and doing my best to help my students learn the material, I really want them to have confidence in themselves and make their dreams come true.      

What are some cultural and economic problems that impact students?

Students feel disconnected and that they don’t need to be there, rather be at work and doesn’t see how school will help.

What should we do?

Getting students engaged in learning, excited, and thinking about it, I think is key to having a successful class.  Keeping in touch with parents and letting them know the progress of their child can also really help.  Lastly, getting to know your students and struggles they might have so you can help them through it and let them know you are there to help them be successful in all aspects of life, not just that test.  

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