Thursday, June 6, 2013

2. Stop after Possible Sent.

Chapter 7
Vocabulary Instruction for Children with Learning Disabilities
-used words most needed, don't overload them
-build on prior knowledge or build that experience for them if not there
-using graphic organizers or manipulative help, if not possible, activities of observation aka field trips, visuals, etc.
-conceptual base of understanding-underlying knowledge of subject matter p.177
-need vocab lesson before, during, and after
-Four level Framework by Flanigan and Greenwood: Critical "before" words, "Foot in the door" words, critical "after" words, and words not to teach. p.178

Teaching Vocab in Preparation for Reading
-Word Inventories-set of vocab words, have students write down how well they already know the word (know it, I think I've heard it, or I don't know it).
-Graphic Organizers-Semantic map, most effective, helps build relations with words, using related words.
-Possible Sentences-write possible meaning for word before, during reading write down actual meaning.

pages 176-183

Group 2 Overview

Post 1 p170-176  Post 3 p183-190 Post 4 p.190-200

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